Escuela de Leópolis en Ucrania.

Khristina Kvyk / Arwork
15 de diciembre 2017 México/ Ukrania
Jaime Domínguez Montes. (Entrevista por Facebook).
Well, our icon painting school is based in Lvlv (Ukraine), namely in the Lviv National Academy of Arts. there is a Chair of Sacral Art in our academy. It trains specialists of a complex solution of church polycromy. We study the Byzantine iconography, Ukrainian iconography. The concept of the chair’s activity includes the realization of a long-teem programme of the revival and development of the Ukrainian icon painting with its unique style, the ancient traditions. We are taught to make icons on board according to old masters' technologies, we make copies of original works (ukrainian icons of 14-16 centuries) and also we execute our own compositions. Also, we take as an example modern art icons. Our academy focuses on studying the basics of the composition in our studying process in general. We are moving in the direction to stylization and minimalism in artistic activity. We paint canon icons for churches, for prayer and worship as well we are looking for new ways in depicting iconographic scenes.sometimes these ways are very non-standard/ We carry the icon outside the church and place it in the gallery, paint the so-called exhibition icons. What about women painting icons, I think if a woman can be a christian as well as a man, pray to God, go to the nunnary(women monastery) so why can not she paint iWhat about women painting icons,?
Women can also make church polichromy and they are often allowed to make it in sanctuary/cons?
Oh maybe I've used not true word, maybe "complication" will be right. It means almost the same as simplification, stylization Yes, it is some difference, russian follow traditions in their icon painting more than ukrainian, but in Ukraine many iconogfaphers do the same. Russian are not looking for new ways in icon painting, they are concervative.
Some artists from Poland, Romania, Greece and other countries are looking for new ways, maybe in Kyiv (the capital of Ukraine) there are such artists (but more of Kyiv artisit are following barocco icon painting and they are more concervative compared with our school).